Plan your wedding day
and say what you wish

How does it work?

  1. Create your wedding website
  2. Say what you wish to get
  3. Share your wedding web with the wedding guests
  4. Receive selected gifts or money on your bank account

Wedding web and gift list without any intermediary fees or limitations. You will receive your selected gifts or donations directly to your bank account in the comfort of your home. Always 100% of the sent amount. Let's declare the end of inappropriate gifts and let your imagination go wild!

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Price list

  Free Premium
Event web page
Confirmation of participation
We wish
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To chci

18.99 EUR

for 1 year
To chci



Nevhodných dárků jsme se s teď už manželem hodně báli, ale díky Modré stužce jsme jejich počet značně eliminovali. Sadě skleniček od strejdy jsme se ale nevyhnuli :)


Díky Modré stužce jsme měli my i hosté o starost méně. Penízky už byly na účtě před svatbou a hosté se nemuseli bát, že obálku s penězi ztratí, nebo že nám vyberou jako dar něco, co se nám nebude líbit.


Svatební web značně zefektivnil naši komunikaci s hosty, všechny informace byly totiž na jednom místě, a to nám ušetřilo spoustu práce. Jako bonus jsme ocenili i fotky od našich hostů, které na náš web nahráli.


Nemusel som rozmýšlať, aký darček mám kúpiť a na Modrej stužke som si vybral zo zoznamu darčekov, ktorý si budúci novomanželia vytvorili. Bez Modrej stužky by som nevedel, že chcú prispieť na sedačku do nového bytu. Jednoduché a praktické!

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Modra Stuzka charge any intermediary fee for payments to the engaged couple's bank account?

No, you send everything directly to the engaged account without any Modra Stuzka's interaction. It's only up to you.

For how long does the activation of all Modra Stuzka functions last? And is possible to be extended?

Activation of all functions of the Modra Stuzka is valid for one year after payment of the tariff fee and of course it can be extended. You will receive a notification before the expiration date.

If the gift is more expensive, does the guest have to buy it in full amount or can the donation be split?

The engaged couple can set any amount of donation for any selected gift. It is possible to pre-set a minimum percentage quota of the gift value, e.g. for a gift worth CZK 10,000, the engaged couple can set a minimum contribution quota of 10%. Then, anyone who would like to donate to this gift must send at least CZK 1,000.

Do I only have to send money for a gift? Can't I just buy it?

Of course, this can also be set on Modra Stuzka. However, this is in the hands of the engaged couple.

How do I know that no one will buy the same gift?

For individual gifts, you can see how many % other guests have already donated. If the gift is purchased in full value, it is already wrapped in a blue ribbon and it is no longer available for donation or purchase.

Do the other guests see how much and which gift I have donated?

No, this information is only available to the engaged couple. On the wedding website you can only see which gifts are already purchased and which are available for purchase or donation.



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